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AI in the Film Industry

  • 6 September 2024
  • 0 replies

As it is already well-known, for the last couple of years companies have been using AI in films in order to optimize multiple processes, from computer graphics, to animation, etc. Today, however, we can see it being hugely involved in the process, even in the whole automation of creating a film. 

For some artists, this may be a huge concern, for others it MAY be an opportunity to explore their creativity. 

In posts and programs like this we can see the potential in GenAI applications in the film industry, as long as the latest research 


What do you think that are the actual limits of this? Do you think it will eventually ceil and just become one more tool for humans to explore their own creativity? Or, do you think it will become something like that one Black Mirror’s episode “Joan is Awful” where content is being automatically generated without any restrictions, just for the sake of generating revenue and new content for audiovisual/entertainment companies?


For me, it can either go in each of those ways, and it is a very recurring discussion nowadays when talking about GenAI and its future. It is one of the keypoints to touch when starting to think about how to use AI responsibly in the future, to augment our creativity while also not losing our ability to express ourselves. 

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